About the conference
This year’s conference will be held in Reykjavík, Iceland at the University of Iceland, and hosted by the School of education. On 22nd – 24th May 2024
The Nordic conference on adult education and learning (NEAL) is a research conference that circulates between the five Nordic countries ever two years. NAEL is arranged by a loosely organized Nordic network of researchers with interests in adult education and learning.
The conference is meant to be a meeting place for presenting research within fields related to adult education and learning. The conference is aimed at both early career and senior researchers in the Nordic countries. Researchers from other parts of the world as well as adult education practitioners and policy makers are also most welcome to participate in the conference.
The conference is usually arranged as a two-day event every two years in the Spring (April or May). Each country thus hosts the conference every tenth year.

Organising committee

Hróbjartur Árnason
Assistant Professor at University of Iceland
- Sími:+354 8608046
- Netfang:hrobjartur@hi.is

Hildur Bettý Kristjánsdóttir
Director at The Education and Training Service Centre (ETSC)
- Netfang:betty@frae.is

Helgi Svavarsson
Chairman: Leikn, Leikn – an organization of interested parties for adult learning in Iceland

Helgi Svavarsson
Chairman: Leikn, Leikn – an organization of interested parties for adult learning in Iceland
- Netfang:helgi@frae.is